This great and simple graphical user interface for ISQL is not a reinvention of ISQL. It really is a graphical user interface for it. It requires ISQL to run. It offers the ease of like any other Windows tool but with the power of all the options supported by ISQL.
This great and simple graphical user interface for ISQL is not a reinvention of ISQL. It really is a graphical user interface for it. It requires ISQL to run. It offers the ease of like any other Windows tool but with the power of all the options supported by ISQL. It can even pick up the sql on the clipboard for you to run as a scipt input file:

Use this tool quarantees the absense of quirks like interpreting the script and firing partial statements. This is like using ISQL for real. The tool uses no temporary files and runs all scripts using pipes and displays input, output and errors in text windows for you to print, save and even edit and optionally use syntax highlighting and line numbers.

If you think the options are simply not good enough or you have a ISQL variant of version which supports even more options than this tool offers, try customizing your options:

You can own a copy by freely downloading it and using it. There are no strings attached, but perhaps come back and look if we've come up with more supported options of new features :) |
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